The Departments Strategic Direction

The Department's Strategic Business Plan 2003-2008 sets the overall direction for the organisation, within the context of the Department's focus on its outcomes of 'Protecting the Public' and 'Reducing Re-offending' and the framework of the broader outcomes defined for the wider justice sector.

The plan is based around four themes that provide the strategic framework for the Department to deliver on its outcomes and address the issues impacting on its operations. The four themes, which provide priority areas that assist staff and managers to focus their efforts, are:

  • Ensuring Effective Offender Management.
  • Improving Responsiveness to Maori.
  • Reducing Re-offending.
  • Enhancing Capability and Capacity.

Within each theme is a series of strategies and initiatives to guide the Department towards achievement of its outcomes.

The Department's Strategic Business Plan 2003-2008 is supported by a Maori Strategic Plan, a Pacific Strategy and four operational strategies. The strategic business plan and the supporting plans and strategies, are available on the Department's website,, under News and Publications, Strategic Documents.

The following diagram summarises the strategic framework and linkages between the Government's priorities, the justice sector end outcomes, and the Department's outcomes, Strategic Business Plan, outputs, and annual initiatives. It shows the strategic framework through which the Department delivers its outputs and initiatives, including those set out in the 2005/06 Statement of Intent and reported on in this Annual Report.

TABLE 1: Linkages to Government Priorities

Justice Sector Linkages Thumbnail

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