Financial Summary

The following financial highlights for the Department of Corrections present a forecast of performance for the year ending 30 June 2007.

In 2006/07 the Department of Corrections expects to earn income of:

  • $698.078 million in revenue from the Crown
  • $32.227 million in revenue from other sources.

Expenses of $730.305 million are expected in purchasing services that will be supplied and administered under the ten departmental output expenses. The distribution of this expenditure is intended as follows:

  • $30.996 million (4.2% of the Vote) on psychological reports, remand pre-sentence reports, reparation reports, same-day reports, home detention reports and assessments, oral information reports and home leave and pre-release reports to prisoners, and reports to the New Zealand Parole Board
  • $75.740 million (10.4% of the Vote) on management and delivery of community-based sentences and orders through sentence management and sentence compliance services
  • $95.178 million (13.0% of the Vote) on custodial remand services and provision of facilities to hold people charged with offences, and offenders convicted but not yet sentenced
  • $9.054 million (1.2% of the Vote) on the transportation of prisoners, to and from court and their custody while at court
  • $425.556 million (58.3% of the Vote) on custodial services, the provision of facilities, and administering, sentences of imprisonment
  • $34.063 million (4.7% of the Vote) on prisoner employment, including the provision and administration of work experience and training opportunities designed to help address the underlying causes of criminal re-offending
  • $47.239 million (6.5% of the Vote) on prison and community-based responsivity and rehabilitative programmes, reintegrative services and psychological services designed to address the underlying causes of criminal re-offending
  • $5.488 million (0.8% of the Vote) on services to the New Zealand Parole Board relating to the provision of administrative, financial and secretariat services
  • $5.403 million (0.7% of the Vote) on the provision of advice, development of policies, and Ministerial servicing relating to the effective management of corrections services and a reduction in re-offending, and the review, evaluation and development of service standards
  • $1.588 million (0.2% of the Vote) on contract management, inspectorate, custodial assurance and national systems services.

The Department has also received a capital contribution of $217.682 million to construct corrections facilities at Otago and Spring Hill, and an additional 180 beds at existing prison sites.

More details of how each of the output expenses will be spent are given in tables contained in this report from Statement of Forecast Service Performance and onward.

The Department of Corrections manages a government investment (through taxpayers' funds) of $1.565 billion and expects a negative net cash flow from operations and investment of $231.823 million.

The financial information in pages 55 to 67 consists of forecasts. The actual results achieved for the periods covered are likely to vary from the information presented, and the variations may be material.