
Corrections follows the Government Procurement Rules, which set the standards of good practice for procuring goods and services in the public service. Suppliers can find out more about the Government Procurement Rules on the Government Procurement website.

Current tender opportunities

Corrections’ tenders are advertised and managed through the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS).  You can register on GETS as a supplier to view detailed tender information, access tender documents and receive tender notifications:

Future tender opportunities

Upcoming Corrections’ tender opportunities are included in the government Annual Procurement Plan.  This consolidated list of anticipated NZ government procurement includes expected procurements over the next few years:

Note that that all forecast procurements are subject to revision or cancellation.

Contract/agreement template

Corrections’ supplier contracts / agreements are based on the Government Model Contracts:

Purchase order terms and conditions

If there is not a specific contract for goods and services ordered on a purchase order, Corrections’ general terms and conditions will apply.

Suppliers will be deemed to have accepted these general terms and conditions when supplying any good / service to Corrections:

Guidelines and more information

MBIE has information for suppliers that is part of a government initiative to help suppliers better engage with government and support good procurement practice.

The guide:

  • provides an overview of the government market
  • describes the rules and processes that government agencies
  • follow to buy goods and services
  • outlines where to look for government opportunities
  • provides tips on preparing and submitting a tender, to help you
  • improve your chances of being chosen to provide goods or
  • services to the government
  • explains the common jargon used in the tender process.

For further information see:

Contact us

All queries about current tender opportunities must be sent according to the details in the particular tender.

For any general questions or feedback please contact our procurement specialist: