Māori pathways projects

The Māori Pathway programme has a range of initiatives that will contribute to the overall aim for the programme.

Hawke's Bay Pathway

A co-designed kaupapa Māori pathway from sentencing through to reintegration, providing access to effective rehabilitation and reintegration services in high security environments, access to holistic kaupapa Māori support services that recognise the collective strength and capability of whānau, hapū and iwi.

Northland Pathway

A co-designed kaupapa Māori pathway from sentencing through to reintegration. providing access to effective rehabilitation and reintegration services in high security environments, access to holistic kaupapa Māori support services that recognise the collective strength and capability of whānau, hapū and iwi.

Paiheretia Te Muka Tāngata: Uniting the Threads of Whānau

Paiheretia te Muka Tāngata is part of both Hawke’s Bay and Northland Pathways. Guided by whānau ora, it is a new multi-agency initiative, jointly led by Te Puni Kōkiri, Ara Poutama Aotearoa and the Ministry of Social Development, in partnership with Māori. It is part of both the Hawke's Bay and Northland Pathway. The workforce of navigators will work directly with Māori at all stages in their journey through the Corrections system – assisting them to set goals and navigate them to the services and support they need, while maintaining the links between whānau members.

Māori Trauma Informed Support Programmes

The Māori Trauma Informed Support Programme will enable the design, delivery and evaluation of Māori trauma informed services using recent Māori research and evidence to heal the impact of collective intergenerational and historical trauma. There are a number of threads to this work stream, including a focus on upskilling the Corrections workforce to better respond to the needs of Māori in care. It is part of both the Hawke's Bay and Northland Pathways.

Kaupapa Māori High Security

A newly co-designed kaupapa Māori based programme for tane in high-security settings. The foundation of the programme is based on oranga/wellbeing and is centred around te oranga o te paihere me tōna whānau (the wellbeing of the person in Corrections care and their whānau). It is part of the Hawkes Bay Pathway.

Mauri Tū Pae National

Mauri Tū Pae is a group-based programme, delivered by Māori service providers, for male prisoners with a range of offending needs. The objective of this programme is to teach tāne how to alter the thoughts, attitudes and behaviours that led to their offending and assist them to develop strategies for maintaining any positive change. Mauri Tū Pae is currently available in six locations nationwide. The Māori Pathways programme has enhanced these programmes through the establishment of a maintenance programme specific for the tāne who participate. That began on 1 October 2020.

Te Mana Wāhine

A coordinated and seamless end to end kaupapa Māori focused experience established for wāhine Māori in the care and management of Ara Poutama Aotearoa. It is based in Christchurch.

Te Tirohanga National

Co-development of the Kaupapa Māori therapeutic environment in collaboration with hapū, mana whenua and iwi to enhance and strengthen the units for people in the care of Ara Poutama Aotearoa.

Special Treatment Units (STUs)

STUs are separate units within a prison facility where all therapy and custody staff work together to create a ‘therapeutic community’ to support prosocial thinking, behaviour and identity of participants. These world leading STUs are the most effective intervention provided by Ara Poutama Aotearoa, demonstrating consistent and significant impacts on re-offending rates. The focus of this initiative is to provide access to STU treatment to individuals currently receiving limited high-intensity programme support outside of STU environments (i.e. women and young adults) and co-design this model of care to incorporate a te ao Māori worldview.

Tikanga Programmes


Ara Poutama Aotearoa currently contracts 29 service providers to deliver approximately 200 Tikanga Māori Motivational Programmes (Tikanga programme) a year across 16 prisons and 15 community districts. The Māori Pathways Programme will strengthen and extend these services to provide further support to whānau and focus on post-programme support.

Hawke's Bay and Northland

In addition, some components will be co-designed with iwi and mana whenua in the Hawke’s Bay and Northland to pilot different approaches that will increase accessibility to those in high security.

Hawke's Bay Community Housing

Expand accommodation options for people in the Corrections system located in Hawke’s Bay. Delivery of a five-bed facility to deliver support services to support tāne and their whānau, while in our care on bail and electronic monitored sentences or where lack of accommodation might mean imprisonment. The house Te Hiringa opened in May 2020 and was formally opened in September.