Information for employers

We offer a comprehensive end-to-end recruitment service for employers and jobseekers who have criminal convictions. Our tailored employment service aims to match your specific job needs with that of the job seekers we manage. You find the right person that fits your business values and has the right set of skills for the job while the job seeker is able to lead a prosocial life with the support of sustainable employment.

We work with employers who are wanting to make a difference in someone’s life and are willing to give someone an opportunity that will change their lives forever. These jobseekers are motivated to seek opportunities to turn their lives around, to lead a more positive life that provides them with a sense of self-worth and the ability to support their family and whānau.

What can you expect from our service

Our ETCs will work with you to understand your business and recruitment needs, match you with the right candidates and provide a holistic wrap-around support package for both you and your new employee. ETCs are highly skilled and experienced in working with this very specific group of people.

Our individually tailored service ensures we understand our jobseekers sentence requirements, obligations, and history so that we are fully able to disclose this information to you. We work with full transparency and want to support you in making an informed decision when considering offering someone we manage a second chance. Our employment and training consultants are there to answer any questions you may have throughout the process.

Our jobseekers work individually with our ETCs to address their employment needs taking into consideration both the complexities of sentence management and their skillset/expertise. You will be presented with the jobseekers CV, criminal convictions, qualifications, and a summary of their completed rehabilitation programmes. If you decide that you would like to meet with our jobseeker, our ETCs will organise for them to attend an interview with you.

If you believe our jobseeker is the right person for you, we will work with you and the jobseeker to ensure all training and work requirements are sorted for their first day. We will be in regular contact to continue to work and support you and the jobseeker, post placement.

Our Goal

“Te huri i ngā ao mā ngā mahi toitū”

"Changing lives through sustainable employment"

Benefits of our service

  • Specialised recruiter dedicated to presenting you the right person for your organisation
  • Motivated and qualified jobseekers available for you
  • No cost end-to-end recruitment service
  • Wrap-around support after placing a person with your organisation

Our Employment and Training Consultants are ready to meet you to discuss your business needs and answer your questions.

Get in touch with us today or talk to your local Employment training Consultant PDF, 373.4 KB

Download our brochure for employers PDF, 1006.5 KB .


If you have some questions we haven't answered above, you may find them in our frequently asked question PDF, 199.8 KB document.