Employment activities

Making our communities safer – prisoner employment and training

One of our organisational outcomes is to reduce re-offending, and research shows that prisoners who find sustainable work after being released are less likely to re-offend. We work to improve the employment potential of the people we manage.

This includes increased alcohol and drug treatment and greater access to education, training, employment assistance, and rehabilitation programmes. We are also building local, regional, and national relationships with industries and employers so we can match jobseekers to individual employer needs.

What work is available to people in prison?

People in prison who undertake employment and training do so on a voluntary basis and are often enthusiastic about being provided with the opportunity and responsibility of learning new skills.

People in prison are trained in industries such as construction, horticulture/nurseries, timber processing, textiles, catering, engineering, concrete product manufacturing, printing, laundries, and ground maintenance

Training is provided through different ways including business-like industries, industry training, work parties, and unit-based activities within the prison.

In most employment activities, prisoners are trained by qualified instructors to New Zealand Qualification Framework standards. Eligible prisoners are also able to participate in the release to work programme.

Release to work

People in prison who are eligible for Release to Work are given the opportunity to engage in paid employment in the community. In some cases this takes place on prison grounds, such as paid work in the redevelopment of Waikeria Prison.

It’s an important stepping stone to support a successful transition into the community and an avenue to long term sustainable employment. Applications for Release to Work must go through an Advisory Panel to assess their suitability. The safety of the community is the most important consideration in determining suitability.

People on Release to Work receive market rates but are required to pay board, any outstanding fines or court-imposed reparation to victims, and child support. Remaining earnings are placed into a savings trust account to support their reintegration into the community.

Potential employers must meet certain criteria to be considered for a release to work placement. Criminal history checks are conducted on employers before a person is placed in their employment. The person in prison’s history along with a range of other factors are taken into account to ensure they are being placed in an appropriate workplace.

Release to Work supports a successful reintegration by developing and maintaining transferable work skills and habits, providing contact with the wider community and giving the opportunity to save money for re-establishment on release.

Employment opportunities on release

Case Managers in prison and Probation Officers in the community meet with people under our management regularly during their sentence. People we manage are provided with rehabilitation programmes and education that will turn their lives around and break the cycle of re-offending.

When someone is released from prison, they must comply with any conditions imposed on them by the Court or the New Zealand Parole Board. Our top priority is public safety and their compliance with these conditions is monitored by probation officers. Offenders motivated to find work upon release or while serving their sentence in the community, can opt in to a recruitment service provided by Corrections’ Employment and Training Consultants.

How Employment and Training Consultants help jobseekers

The Employment Services Team (EST) provide employment programmes and related initiatives to enhance employment and training opportunities for people with criminal convictions. Employment raises a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and resilience that helps them lead positive lives.

Employment Services fit in with the heart of Hōkai Rangi, the Department of Corrections overarching strategy, and the concept of Oranga (wellbeing) of our people, their family, and whānau.

Our approach to employment:

  • We provide a tailored recruitment service designed to assist with education, training, and job searching for jobseekers to gain and maintain sustainable employment.
  • We build awareness and strengthen relationships with Employers and Education/Training providers, seeking sustainable opportunities for our jobseekers.
  • We collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to deliver a holistic wraparound support service.

Read more information on getting a job on release or contact us via email at reintegrationservices@corrections.govt.nz