9.8 All Major Management Transitions


Previous major management category


Prison sentenced offenders and remands

Managed release order offenders

Community sentenced offenders

Not managed by Corrections


New start major management category


Prison sentenced offenders and remands


Indeterminate term

   44  12     1 158
Long term  1128849 1263 78 79151281704
Short term 1 443677216117 185778117121146658104
Remanded in custody 27644 21172831414 926237954589187245612948

Prison sentenced offenders and remands Total

 286455768147194371534 1118316566381316325022814

Managed release order offenders


Home detention

 44110177      1 141 1481

Extended supervision

 696  126    11  50
Parole27101321120257     2275  1517
Post release conditions 11412663545917  27 152  5400
Other release 1             1

Managed release order offenders Total

27147251737687161196 21022521 8449

Community sentenced offenders



  1049342 11140  7251262824616276418

Community work

 2407133819 56409 1561 510933947820723884

Other community

  231 11  4    13

Community sentenced offenders Total

 2513227522 68550 15617296135611193983430314

Not managed by Corrections


Recently managed offender pool

24516452338546289429151299118696    30075

Inactive and aged out

            10108 50310611

Never Corrections sentenced

   1677           1677

Not managed by Corrections Total

24516454015546289429151299118696 10108 50342363

Total transitions


*Notes: Transitions may be due to offenders having new directives and orders or reverting to a lower management status at termination or expiry of the previous status. In a small number of cases the data is erroneous. However all transitions are included for completeness. For more details see: data source and enrichment methodology; data spreadsheet ; major management category.

Reading across the page gives the number of people transitioning to the status listed on the left hand side, with the columns indicating the status people have come from. For example the "Remand" row shows 12948 episodes of remand were started and the "Remand" column shows 12826 episodes of remand were completed for a net increase of 122 remanded individuals overall.