Offender Population Report 2013

The Offender Population Report was previously known as the Offender Volumes Report.

This report presents information about trends in the offender population managed by the Department from 1982 - 2013, to assist with our goal to reduce re-offending.


This report presents key trends in the offender population managed by the New Zealand Department of Corrections.

It is our Vision to create lasting change by breaking the cycle of re-offending. Our goal is to reduce re-offending by 25 percent by 2017. Public safety is our bottom line.

This report presents key facts about offenders both on remand or sentenced to prison, and offenders serving community sentences and orders.

This report utilises an offender centric approach, mainly counting individual offenders rather than sentences. This means that in cases where offenders are serving multiple sentences, sentences are “trumped” and only the highest form of sentence management, based on higher cost and/or the more restrictive nature of the sentence, is counted.

The historical trend data is reported from 1983 for offenders serving prison and community sentences, and 1998 for offenders on remand (remand data prior to 1998 is affected by quality issues).

The figure below shows that, on December 31, 2013, there were 38,997 individuals under Corrections’ management. Collectively, these individuals were serving 44,817 sentences and orders.

A bar graph of offender and sentence/order volumes as at 31 December 2013.