15.6 Highest qualification level categories

For the purposes of providing a better overview the raw IOMS qualification data was reduced using the following mapping.

IOMS Data point

Census category

No secondary school qualification

No school qualifications

NZ school certificate in one or more subjects

NZ School Certificate subjects

NZ sixth form certificate in one or more subjects

NZ Higher school subjects/Uni. Entrance

NZ university entrance before 1986 in one or more subjects

NZ Higher school subjects/Uni. Entrance

NZ higher school certificate or higher leaving certificate

NZ Higher school subjects/Uni. Entrance

NZ university bursary, entrance or scholarship

NZ Higher school subjects/Uni. Entrance

Other NZ secondary school qualification, not further defined

Other school and overseas qualifications

Overseas secondary school qualification, not further defined

Other school and overseas qualifications

Overseas equivalent to school certificate

Other school and overseas qualifications

Overseas equivalent to higher school qualification

Other school and overseas qualifications

Other overseas qualification

Other school and overseas qualifications

Basic vocational qualification

Vocational qualifications

Skilled vocational qualification

Vocational qualifications

Intermediate vocational qualification

Vocational qualifications

Advanced vocational qualification

Vocational qualifications

Bachelors degree

Bachelors degree

Higher degree

Higher degree



Not specified
