Foreword from the Chief ExecutiveIn 2019, we adopted Hōkai Rangi as the strategy of the Department of Corrections – Ara Poutama Aotearoa to achieve better outcomes for those in our management. Now almost five years into Hōkai Rangi, it is timely for us to reflect on the progress we’ve made, the challenges we’ve faced, and the lessons we’ve learnt, to inform the next phase of our strategy. Hōkai Rangi continues to represent our long-term strategic direction. We all want to see intergenerational change where each person can realise their full potential - for themselves and for the safety of our communities. Since Hōkai Rangi was launched back in 2019 we have made good progress towards our strategy, but there is still work to be done. The refresh of Hōkai Rangi reaffirms our commitment to reducing Māori overrepresentation, upholds the six pou which guide the way we work, and reflects the lessons we’ve learned over the past five years. Hōkai Rangi will guide our collective approach to delivering on our three organisational outcomes: reduced reoffending, improved public safety, and reduced Māori overrepresentation. Research, data, and evidence continues to inform our approach to achieving these outcomes. Hōkai Rangi is aspirational and remains the destination we’re working towards. We’ve put in place many foundational building blocks and we’ve made some important changes to service delivery. We’ve also changed our organisational structure with the intent to grow our capability, enhance service delivery, and support us to deliver a more effective and efficient corrections system. Previously, Hōkai Rangi had 37 short-term actions and 26 medium term actions. Of the 37 short-term actions, 34 have been substantively delivered. The remaining three are now part of our everyday work. These actions were the first phase of getting us to think and work differently. We have learnt from them. However, with so many actions, we sometimes lost sight of the significant areas that need to be working collectively and consistently for us to achieve Hōkai Rangi. We are now on the next step of our journey. We are focused on strengthening how we achieve our organisational outcomes. Our future direction will ensure key initiatives are aligned to Hōkai Rangi and our three organisational outcomes. We know we need to prioritise the initiatives that will have the greatest positive impact. We have a responsibility to deliver a balanced budget and use taxpayers’ money wisely. Equally, we have a responsibility to manage our activities to ensure they deliver on our purpose and outcomes. This means we need to be efficient with our resources and focused on what will have the greatest impact. We all have a responsibility to focus on Corrections’ core purpose. We must be uncompromising in managing risk, ensuring the safety of staff and the people we manage, and the safety of those in the community. We must also be willing to ask the hard questions of initiatives that are not aligned to what matters most and prioritise accordingly. Most importantly, our people are essential in delivering on the aspirations of Hōkai Rangi through their work. I am regularly inspired by the feedback we receive from staff, the people we manage in prison and the community, their families, and our partners. There are countless examples I have seen first-hand, or that have been shared with me, where staff have embraced what we are trying to achieve through Hōkai Rangi. Our people continue to show their commitment to improving the wellbeing of the people we manage, to reducing reoffending, and to keeping our community safe. Jeremy Lightfoot, Chief Executive “We make the community safer by supporting people to leave us better and with brighter prospects.” | He Kupu Takamua nā te Tumu WhakaraeI te tau 2019, i whakatinanahia e mātou te rautaki Hōkai Rangi a Te Ara Poutama Aotearoa kia tutuki ai i a mātou ngā hua pai ake mā te hunga e whakahaerehia ana e mātou. Kua rima tau mātou e kawe ana i a Hōkai Rangi, nō reira kua tae te wā ki te whai whakaaro ki ngā kokenga, ngā uauatanga, me ngā akoranga, hei whakamōhio i te wāhanga o te rautaki e whai ake nei. E whakaata tonu ana a Hōkai rangi i tā mātou ahungaā-rautaki paetawhiti. E hiahia ana mātou katoa ki te kite i ngā panonitanga tuku iho e tutuki ai i ia tangata tōna ake āheitanga - mōna, mō te haumaru hoki o ā mātou hapori. Mai rā anō i te whakarewanga o Hōkai Rangi i te tau 2019, kua ahu whakamua ki tā mātou rautaki, engari arā ētahi mahi kei mua tonu i a mātou. E whakaū ana te whakahounga o Hōkai Rangi i tō mātou pūmau ki te whakaiti i te nui o ngā Māori kei ngā whare herehere, e tautoko ana i ngā pou e ono e ārahi ana i ā mātou tikanga mahi, me te whakaata i ngā akoranga o ngā tau e rima ki muri. Ka ārahi a Hōkai Rangi i tō mātou huarahi ngātahi hei whakatutuki i ā mātou hua ā-whakahaere: te whakaiti i te mahi taihara anō, te whakapai ake i te haumaru o te hapori, me te whakaiti i te nui o ngā Māori kei ngā whare herehere. Kei te whakamōhio tonu ngā rangahau, ngā raraunga me ngā taunakitanga i tō mātou huarahi e tutuki ai ēnei hua. He wawata nui a Hōkai Rangi, otirā koia nei te whāinga. Kua whakaritea e mātou he hanganga ā-tūāpapa, ā, kua whakaritea ētahi panonitanga hira ki te kawenga o te ratonga. Kua panonitia hoki tā mātou hanganga ā-whakahaere i runga i te whāinga ka whakawhanakehia tō mātou āheinga, whakapakari i te kawenga o te ratonga, me te tautoko i a mātou ki te kawe i tētahi pūnaha whakatikatika whaihua ake, whāomo ake hoki. I mua, 37 ngā mahi taupoto, 26 ngā mahi tauwaenga o Hōkai Rangi. O ngā mahi taupoto 37, kua tutuki ngā mea 34. Ko te toru e toe ana, he wāhanga o ā mātou mahi o ia rā. Ko ēnei mahi te wāhanga tuatahi kia rerekē ai ō mātou whakaaro me ā mātou mahi. Kua whai mōhiotanga i ērā mahi. Engari, nā te nui o ngā mahi, i ētahi wā kāore mātou i aro ki ngā wāhanga hira e hiahia ana kia mahi ngātahi, kia mahi haere tonu e tutuki ai i a mātou a Hōkai Rangi. Ināianei kei te wāhanga whai ake mātou o tō mātou haerenga. E aro ana mātou ki te whakapakari i te āhua o te whakatutuki i ā mātou hua ā-whakahaere. Ka mātua whakarite tā mātou ahunga anamata e hāngai ana ngā kaupapa matua ki a Hōkai Rangi me ā mātou hua ā-whakahaere e toru. E mōhio ana mātou me whakaraupapa ngā kaupapa he nui ngā pānga pai. E noho haepapa ana mātou ki te whakarite he taurite te mahere pūtea, otirā ka whakahaere tika i ngā moni a te hunga utu tāke. Waihoki, ka noho haepapa mātou ki te whakahaere i ā mātou mahi kia tutuki ai tō mātou whāinga me ngā hua. Ko te tikanga o tēnei me whāomo te whakamahi i ā mātou rauemi me te aro ki ngā mea whai pānga nui. Ka noho haepapa mātou katoa ki te aro ki te kaupapa matua o Te Ara Poutama. Me pūmau mātou ki te whakahaere tūraru, me te whakarite kia haumaru te noho a ngā kaimahi me te hunga e whakahaerehia ana e mātou, e noho haumaru ana hoki ngā tāngata i te hapori. Me ū mātou ki te tuku i ngā pātai uaua mō ngā kaupapa kāore i te hāngai ki ngā āhuatanga tino whai take me te whakaraupapa i te aronga kia hāngai. Ko te mea nui, he waiwai ā mātou tāngata ki te whakatutuki i ngā wawata o Hōkai Rangi mā roto i ā rātou mahi. He mea whakahihiko i a au ngā kōrero whakahoki a ngā kaimahi, te hunga e whakahaerehia ana i ngā whare herehere, i te hapori, ō rātou whānau, me ō mātou hoa rangapū. Kua kitea e au ngā tauira maha, kua whakamōhio mai rānei ki ahau, mō ngā kaimahi e ū ana ki te whai i ngā whāinga o Hōkai Rangi. Kei te whakaatu tonu ā mātou tāngata i tō rātou manawanui ki te whakapai ake i te oranga o ngā tāngata e whakahaerehia ana e mātou, ki te whakaiti i te mahi taihara anō, ki te whakarite he haumaru te hapori. Jeremy Lightfoot, Tumu Whakarae “Ka whakarite he haumaru ake te hapori mā te tautoko i te tangata kia pai ake, kia pai ake hoki ngā ara wātea i tō rātou wehenga i a mātou.” |