Statement of Expenses and Capital Expenditure

Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenses and Capital Expenditure Against Appropriations

For the year ended 30 June 2015

Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenses and Capital Expenditure Against Appropriations - download spreadsheet for full details.

Refer to Part B: Statement of Performance for detailed performance against each output class (pages 62-89).

Changes in appropriation structure

Contract Management of Services provided by Third Parties appropriation will be consolidated within the Prison-based Custodial Services appropriation from 1 July 2015.

Statement of Capital Injections

For the year ended 30 June 2015

2014 Actual $000


2015 Actual $000

2015 Appropriation voted (unaudited) $000



Capital injections



Statement of Capital Injections Without, or in Excess of, Authority

For the year ended 30 June 2015

The department has not received any capital injections during the year without, or in excess of, authority.

Statement of Expenses and Capital Expenditure Incurred Without Appropriation or Other Authority

For the year ended 30 June 2015

The department had no expenses and capital expenditure incurred without appropriation or other authority or in excess of an existing appropriation or other authority, in relation to the activities of the department (2014: Nil).

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