Community-based sentence and order facts and statistics - March 2024

This page shows statistical information on the:

  • Number of sentences and orders by area
  • Total sentences and orders count
  • Breakdown of the offender population by:
    o Age
    o Ethnicity
    o Gender
    o Offence type
    o Sentence and order types

The community-based sentences and orders data refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

We are now reporting against 11 regions, rather than 15, to reflect our new organisational structure.

Number of sentences and orders by area as at 31 March 2024

Auckland Region4,1208734,993
Bay of Plenty Region2,5906053,195
Canterbury Region2,1636822,845
East Coast Region1,8264372,263
Manukau Region3,1868063,992
Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Region9811621,143
Northland Region1,3363411,677
Otago / Southland Region1,4433931,836
Taranaki / Whanganui / Manawatu Region1,9096002,509
Waikato Region3,0778543,931
Wellington Region1,8413752,216
Grand Total24,4726,12830,600

Total number of community-based sentences and orders

Community-based offenders by age group

Community-based offenders by ethnicity

Community-based offenders by gender

Community-based offenders by offence type*

* Community-based offenders may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence an offender is convicted of.

Community-based sentences and orders by type