stand alongside the NZ Police and the Ministry of Justice to deliver against our shared objective of reducing crime by:
Advancing our Joining Forces initiative with NZ Police and Ministry of Justice to improve public safety and maximise our joint activities.
Expanding the use of audio-visual technology between prisons and courts to reduce the costs and risks of prisoner transport.
Rethinking the delivery of corrections services in Christchurch in tandem with the development of a Justice Sector precinct.
Working closely with NZ Police and their Prevention First initiative throughout New Zealand to safely manage high risk offenders in the community.
Hot-housing a Justice Sector joint initiative in the Hutt Valley that generates new ways of working together to achieve community safety.
Leading the sector’s engagement with the NGO community and the recently formed Justice Coalition to ensure our combined efforts are effective.
Implementing shared services arrangements for Facilities Management, IT infrastructure, Electronic Security and Fleet Management.
deliver on our Expenditure Review commitments to achieve long term financial sustainability by:
Completing our prison closure and investment programme that is ensuring our facilities are fit-for-purpose and support rehabilitation outcomes for prisoners.
Implementing our Corrections Employment Review, lifting the return on the assets we have to create employment and training opportunities for prisoners.
Introducing increased ”contracting for outcomes”, which will provide smarter incentives to our partners to be more effective in reducing re-offending.
Reducing overhead costs through our corporate efficiency and savings programme.
Modernising Community Probation Centres to encourage more successful interactions between Corrections’ staff, offenders and local service providers in the community.
Completing and realising the benefits from “Unifying Our Effort”, the Department’s structural change programme designed to support our One Team at Corrections objective.
Increasing flexibility for frontline staff through the progressive introduction of technologies that modernise our service and our interaction with offenders.