Better public value


stand alongside the NZ Police and the Ministry of Justice to deliver against our shared objective of reducing crime by:

  • Advancing our Joining Forces initiative with NZ Police and Ministry of Justice to improve public safety and maximise our joint activities.
  • Expanding the use of audio-visual technology between prisons and courts to reduce the costs and risks of prisoner transport.
  • Rethinking the delivery of corrections services in Christchurch in tandem with the development of a Justice Sector precinct.
  • Working closely with NZ Police and their Prevention First initiative throughout New Zealand to safely manage high risk offenders in the community.
  • Hot-housing a Justice Sector joint initiative in the Hutt Valley that generates new ways of working together to achieve community safety.
  • Leading the sector’s engagement with the NGO community and the recently formed Justice Coalition to ensure our combined efforts are effective.
  • Implementing shared services arrangements for Facilities Management, IT infrastructure, Electronic Security and Fleet Management.


deliver on our Expenditure Review commitments to achieve long term financial sustainability by:

  • Completing our prison closure and investment programme that is ensuring our facilities are fit-for-purpose and support rehabilitation outcomes for prisoners.
  • Implementing our Corrections Employment Review, lifting the return on the assets we have to create employment and training opportunities for prisoners.
  • Introducing increased ”contracting for outcomes”, which will provide smarter incentives to our partners to be more effective in reducing re-offending.
  • Reducing overhead costs through our corporate efficiency and savings programme.
  • Modernising Community Probation Centres to encourage more successful interactions between Corrections’ staff, offenders and local service providers in the community.
  • Completing and realising the benefits from “Unifying Our Effort”, the Department’s structural change programme designed to support our One Team at Corrections objective.
  • Increasing flexibility for frontline staff through the progressive introduction of technologies that modernise our service and our interaction with offenders.