strengthen the engagement and safety of our staff by:
Developing a comprehensive and internationally benchmarked staff safety action plan focusing on safer work practices, training and equipment.
Expanding the use of pepper spray in prisons as an accessible option for controlled and planned responses.
Delivering tactical exit training for all offender-facing staff, lifting our skills and confidence to respond in threatening situations.
Establishing national and local frontline staff fora to consult and involve our people in plans and policies that affect them.
Introducing initiatives that improve the health and wellbeing of our staff in response to the results of health monitoring conducted over the last year.
Establishing a national management development programme to support managers to grow in their roles and to strengthen their engagement with staff.
unify our effort to reduce re-offending by:
Ensuring that our new national and regional structures are operating fully, and that Corrections has a strong and visible regional presence.
Sponsoring four regional emerging leaders teams to provide fast tracked development for frontline staff to become future regional leaders.
Introducing Corrections work-wear options for frontline and support staff, who currently are not provided with a uniform.
Engaging with staff and stakeholders to publish district plans to reduce re-offending.
Growing the professional leadership roles of the Chief Psychologist, Chief Probation Officer and Chief Custodial Officer to
drive system-wide practice development.
Delivering training every frontline staff member is able to participate in that increases their knowledge, confidence and performance on the job.