Reducing re-offending


maximise prisoner participation in treatment and programmes that help break the cycle of re-offending by:

  • Expanding the availability of drug and alcohol treatment and education available in prison, ensuring that by 2014 all prisoners with a need have access to treatment.
  • Opening up our rehabilitative interventions for remand and short sentence prisoners.
  • Establishing working prisons at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility, Rolleston and Tongariro/Rangipo Prisons, where all prisoners will be engaged in work or training.
  • Engaging more prisoners in literacy and numeracy training and secondary and self-directed tertiary education.
  • Providing access to a range of programmes that specifically target the offending behaviour of under 20 year olds.
  • Increasing opportunities for employment post release by partnering with major employers and industries, while lifting further participation in release to work programmes.
  • Revitalising the therapeutic model operating in our Maori Focus Units, lifting the achievement level to an elite standard nationwide.


strengthen our engagement with offenders in the community and lift our reintegration efforts by:

  • Partnering with iwi and non-government organisations to provide supportive networks within the community that help offenders to complete their sentences and live offence-free lives.
  • Introducing Reintegration Centres in Taranaki and the Bay of Plenty to connect recently released prisoners with reintegrative
    support in their communities.
  • Operating a Regional Innovation Fund to encourage and support the development of local solutions to reducing re-offending
    in communities.
  • Embedding our Whare Oranga Ake in Spring Hill and Hawkes Bay to deliver positive reintegration outcomes for Maori prisoners and their families.
  • Enhancing rehabilitation services provided directly by probation officers, meaning more offenders receive motivational techniques, relapse prevention and rehabilitative interventions from probation officers.
  • Strengthening our community-based rehabilitation programmes, increasing participation in Kowhiritanga (groupbased rehabilitation for female offenders) and better targeting domestic violence programmes.
  • Facilitating the participation of offenders serving community sentences into education, basic work and living skills, and job skills training.