Output class: Sentences and orders served in the community

This appropriation is limited to the management and delivery of sentences and orders served in the community.

Outputs in this output class will be provided within the appropriated sum of $199.648 million (exclusive of GST).

Expenses and Revenue
For the Year Ending 30 June 2012


Estimated Actual


Total Appropriation




Revenue from Crown




Revenue from Others




Output: Home Detention Sentences

This output covers sentences imposed by the courts which require the offender to reside at an approved address under strict conditions and with strict monitoring, including electronic monitoring. The Department ensures that offenders complete the correct imposed sentence and comply with the restrictions and requirements of their sentence.

This output is demand driven by the Judiciary and as such the Department has very limited control over the demand for its services. The expected demand within this output is an average of 3544 offenders serving Home Detention sentences and a total of 4088 offenders commencing a new Home Detention sentence; these have been derived using the 2010-2020 Criminal Justice Forecast.

Performance Measures

Budgeted Standard 2010/11

Estimated Actual Standard 2010/11

Budget Standard 2011/12

Quality and Timeliness   

The percentage of offenders who have complied with their Home Detention sentence, or who have been held to account

note 1

note 1

at least 90%

OUTPUT: Community-Based Sentences

This output covers the management of offenders serving Community-based sentences, being: Community Work, Intensive Supervision, Community Detention and Supervision. The Department ensures that offenders complete the correct imposed sentence and comply with the restrictions and requirements of their sentence.

This output is demand driven by the Judiciary and as such the Department has very limited control over the demand for its services. The expected demand within this output is an average of 50,043 offenders serving Community-based sentences and a total of 66,172 offenders commencing a new Community-based sentence; these have been derived using the 2010-2020 Criminal Justice Forecast.

Performance Measures

Budgeted Standard 2010/11

Estimated Actual Standard 2010/11

Budget Standard 2011/12

Quality and Timeliness   

The percentage of offenders who have complied with their Community-base sentence, or who have been held to account

note 1

note 1

at least 90%

OUTPUT: Post-Release Orders

This output covers the management of offenders who have Post-release conditions as imposed by the courts at the time of sentencing for prisoners with short sentences. It also covers Parole Orders imposed by the Board and Extended Supervision orders imposed by the courts, with additional special conditions set by the Board to actively manage the long term risks posed by high risk child-sex offenders in the community. The Department ensures that offenders complete the correct imposed order and comply with the restrictions and requirements of their order.

This output is demand driven by the Judiciary and the Board and as such the Department has very limited control over the demand for its services. The expected demand within this output is an average of 6380 offenders serving Post-release orders and a total of 7105 offenders commencing a new Post-release order; these have been derived using the 2010-2020 Criminal Justice Forecast. On average 200 offenders will be subject to residential restrictions.

Performance Measures

Budgeted Standard 2010/11

Estimated Actual Standard 2010/11

Budget Standard 2011/12

Quality and Timeliness   

The percentage of offenders who have complied with their Post-release order, or who have been held to account

note 1

note 1

at least 90%