M.02.01.Res.03 Security classification placement summary

Activity Minimum Low Low-Medium High Maximum
External Self-Care Units Yes No No No No
Internal Self-Care Units Yes Yes Yes


Min / Low Units (with no fence) Yes Yes No No No
Min / Low Units (with fence) Yes Yes Yes No No
MFUs, PFUs, etc (N/A Females) Yes Yes Yes Only if a high security unit No
Special Treatment Units Yes Yes Yes Only if a high security unit No
High Security Units Yes (but should be kept separate from High prisoners) Yes (but should be kept separate from High prisoners) Yes (but should be kept separate from High prisoners) Yes No
Maximum Units No No No Yes (but only if individually approved to mix with Max) Yes
Employment and Programmes
CIE Outside wire Outside wire if approved in job description Inside wire only Inside wire only No
PS Outside wire Outside wire if approved in job description Unit-based only Unit-based only Unit-based only
Programmes Anywhere Inside wire only Inside wire only Inside wire only Unit-based only
Temporary releases
Release-to-Work If assessed as suitable If eligible and assessed as suitable If eligible and assessed as suitable No No
Temporary Release If eligible per Reg 26(1) (a)(i), (b) or (c) and assessed as suitable If eligible per Reg 26(1) (a)(ii), and assessed as suitable If eligible per Reg 26(1) (a)(ii), and assessed as suitable No No