M.03.02.Res.05 Warning signs and symptoms for staff managing pregnant women

If a pregnant woman shows any of the following signs and symptoms, Health Services must be notified immediately:

  • Vaginal bleeding or has vaginal discharge that is unusual for her.
  • Her ‘waters’ leak or break before labour starts or, once they have broken, the fluid is dirty-looking, greenish or brown.
  • If, once she has been regularly feeling her baby move, baby moves less than usual, or she cannot feel her baby move at all.
  • If, after the first few weeks of pregnancy, she has pains or cramps in her abdomen.
  • Her hands, feet or face suddenly swell.
  • She has pain or burning when she passes urine – especially if she also has a fever and a sore back.
  • Has a very bad headache and this lasts for more than a few hours.
  • She can’t see well – has blurry vision or start to see white lights, flashes or dots in front of her eyes or have double vision.
  • She falls on or hurts her abdomen – get this checked, even if she doesn’t feel hurt or sore.
  • She is very thirsty, but she can’t pass urine.
  • She starts feeling sick and throwing up in late pregnancy – especially if she has pain and a fever.
  • She itches all over – especially if she has dark-coloured urine and pale bowel motions.

Reference: Ministry of Health, Danger signs during pregnancy, 2017