V.02 Visit scheduling

The purpose of these procedures is to allow prison staff to manage the number of visitors into the prison and ensure that each of the different types of visitor are managed appropriately.

Visit scheduling criteria

  1. Prisoners are entitled to have at least one approved private visitor per week for a minimum duration of 30 minutes, except prisoners serving a period of cell confinement on penalty grounds.
  2. The reception/movements manager when determining when visits will occur (day and times) must take into account the particular classes of prisoners, and travel requirements of the visitors.

V.02.01 Visits to prisons

  1. Visiting times for remand or accused prisoners will be as flexible as possible.
  2. Prisoners with disabilities will receive additional visits from family and support agencies.
  3. Staff must assist remand or accused prisoners in contacting and receiving visits from their legal advisers.
  4. Support agencies are able to meet with remand and accused prisoners by appointment without unreasonable delay.
  5. Approval for visits outside of normal visiting hours may be given.
  6. IOMS must be checked to see if the visitor has been prohibited or if there are conditions on the visit.
  7. Prisoner visitors are approved in advance and recorded on the Expected Visitors List in IOMS.
  8. All scheduled visits must be recorded on the Expected Visitors List in IOMS.

V.02.02 Scheduled visits by Kaiwhakamana, Kaitiaki, and Fautua Pasefika

  1. All specified visitors are to be provided with orientation information and training on the rules and protocols for the prisons they intend to visit.
  2. Kaiwhakamana, Kaitiaki, and Fautua Pasefika must advise the reception/movements manager when they would like to visit (day and time) and the prisoner(s) names.
  3. If the proposed visit is not suitable, the reception/movements manager will provide reasons and/or an alternative date and time for the visit.
  4. Prison management may arrange a suitable time and place for meeting if the prisoners scheduled to attend are from more than one unit, and/or because of the number of visitors.
  5. A visit of more than seven Kaitiaki representatives (including Kaitiaki Advisory Board members) must be pre-approved by the reception/movements manager.
  6. Kaiwhakamana, and Fautua Pasefika do not visit at a prisoner's request.
  7. Prisoners or staff may invite a Kaitiaki Advisory Board member, or Kaitiaki Representative to visit.
  8. Kaiwhakamana, Kaitiaki, and Fautua Pasefika may be permitted, at the reception/movements manager’s discretion, to make unannounced visits if they have given at least one working week (5 days) notice prior to the intended visit; however, the notice period can be waived in extenuating circumstances, e.g. the death of a prisoner or a death in a prisoner’s family.
  9. Kaiwhakamana, and Kaitiaki may visit any prison outside their own rohe, where members of their iwi / hapā / whānau, are held as prisoners, provided they abide by the kawa for Kaiwhakamana visits established by the tangata whenua of the rohe with the prison authorities.
  10. Prisoners scheduled for a visit from a Kaiwhakamana, Kaitiaki, or Fautua Pasefika are to be reminded in advance by prison staff, so that the prisoner has adequate time to prepare for the visit and to enhance their potential to benefit from the experience.
  11. Kaiwhakamana, Kaitiaki, and Fautua Pasefika must obtain the general manager custodial’s written approval before they can bring into the prison or out of, a prison on behalf of prisoners or staff any property.

V.02.03 Scheduled visits by statutory visitors / enforcement officers

  1. When receiving notice of a visit from a member of Parliament, prison staff must contact the National Office’s communication section for pre-briefing matters that may need to be addressed.
  2. The Ombudsman will notify the prison of their intention of visiting, detailing date, time and names of prisoners requesting an interview.
  3. An enforcement officer may enter the prison to interview a prisoner at any time agreed by the reception/movement manager.