Appropriation - Information and Administrative Services to the Judiciary and New Zealand Parole Board

This appropriation is limited to the provision of information about offenders to victims of crime, the Judiciary and the New Zealand Parole Board (NZPB) and the provision of administrative, financial and secretariat services to the NZPB.


Information services to the Judiciary focuses on the preparation of reports that provide sentencing judges with information about offenders, to assist with the sentencing process. This service includes attendance at court, prosecutions and attendance at sentencing resulting from probation initiated proceedings. This output ultimately supports the Judiciary to make informed decisions.

Information to the NZPB focuses on ensuring that reports provide information to the NZPB to assist with decisions regarding a prisoner’s release from prison. It also provides progress reports to the NZPB on offender compliance with the conditions of their parole orders. This output ultimately supports the NZPB to make informed decisions regarding a prisoner’s release.

Information and administrative services focuses on the administration of victim notification services. Corrections has a responsibility to notify eligible victims about specific events as detailed in the Victims’ Rights Act 2002. The NZ Police refer details of eligible victims to Corrections.

Activity informationActual volumeActual volumeActual volumeActivity informationBudget volumeForecast volume
The number of court attendance hours97,561106,74083,651108,71399,000 - 101,000109,000 - 111,000
The number of Electronic Monitoring Bail (EM Bail) applications submitted to courtNew for 20141,3192,8353,7942,5003,818
The number of NZPB hearings where administrative support is required8,6148,7188,0458,1138,000 - 8,5008,000 - 8,500
Information services to the Judiciary
Assessment of performanceActual standardActual standardActual standardActual standardBudget standardBudget standard
the percentage of reports provided to court within agreed timeframes before sentencing:7      
- Probation reports94%94%94%88%95%95%
- Psychological reports84%94%89%99%95%95%

In the 2015/16 financial year there has been a significant increase in the volume of reports expected to be provided to court as a result of additional sentencing being introduced. In addition, timeframes to deliver probation reports have reduced from 20 to 15 working days (if the offender is in custody) and 30 to 15 working days (for all other cases). Last financial year it took an average of 20 working days to complete a probation report, whereas in this financial year it took an average of 16 working days to complete the same report. Although Corrections has improved on the average time to complete a probation report, the shorter delivery targets remain a challenge and mean that Corrections is continuing to look at options to further accelerate the delivery timeframes.

Information services to the New Zealand Parole Board (NZPB)
Assessment of performance      
The percentage of parole reports provided to agreed timeframes pursuant to NZPB requirements:      
- Parole Assessment reports88%88%90%92%75%90%
- Parole Progress reports96%93%96%95%95%95%
- Psychological reports94%94%95%93%90%95%

Corrections has continued to exceed the performance standard for the quality and timeliness of reports provided to the NZPB.

Administrative services to the New Zealand Parole Board (NZPB)
Assessment of performanceActual standardActual standardActual standardActual standardBudget standardBudget standard
The percentage of offenders who are notified as per NZPB requirements8100%100%100%100%98%98%
The percentage of victims who are notified as per NZPB requirements9100%100%100%100%98%98%
The percentage of all cases to be heard by the NZPB that are scheduled no later than 16 weeks from the date of the hearing100%100%100%100%98%98%

Corrections continues to exceed the performance standard for administration services to the NZPB.

Information and administrative services to victims
Assessment of performanceActual standardActual standardActual standardActual standardBudget standardBudget standard
The number of justified complaints about notification services received from registered victims10120200

Corrections received two justified complaints for the 2015/16 financial year. Corrections maintain a zero tolerance policy on justified complaints about notification services that registered victims receive; procedures have been changed in light of the two instances in 2015/16 to ensure that similar incidents do not occur again.


For the year ended 30 June 2016

 Actual $000Actual $000Budget (unaudited) $000Supp. estimates (unaudited) $000Forecast* (unaudited) $000
Total revenue51,69559,15550,76859,15659,196
Total expenses51,67257,67250,76859,15659,196
Net surplus231,483---

* Forecast financial statements have been prepared using Budget Economic Fiscal Update (BEFU) 2016. The Information and Administrative Services to the Judiciary and New Zealand Parole Board appropriation has been merged into a Multi-Category Appropriation called 'Public Safety is Improved' for 2017 in order to align the appropriations with Corrections' strategic outcomes.

The total expense for this appropriation was $57.7 million. Over half of the costs associated with this appropriation are staff related. Reports written by our staff are used to provide the Judiciary and NZPB with relevant offender information.

Refer to the chart below for the composition of total expenditure by major expense category.

Pie graph titled “Composition of total information and administrative services to the Judiciary and NZPB expenses”. Direct personnel costs $32.4m, 56%. Other direct costs $6.3m, 11%. IT costs $6.2m, 11%. Property costs $1.5m, 3%. Other overheads $11.3m, 19%.

Actual expenditure was $6.0 million higher than 2014/15 actuals, mainly due to:

  • an increase in probation officer court attendance hours providing advice, information and recommendations on offenders, sentences and interventions
  • costs associated with the provision of information for EM Bail applications being reallocated from the Sentences and Orders Served in the Community appropriation.

7 Probation reports are completed to timeframes as set out in the Integrated Practice Framework. Specific timeframes are provided in respect of each of the individual report types that are included under the heading of ‘probation’ reports or such time as agreed with the NZPB. Psychological reports are provided to court at least two working days before sentencing where a request is received.

8 Offenders are notified of an impending hearing and of a Board decision within agreed timeframes.

9 Victims are notified of an impending hearing and of a Board decision within agreed timeframes.

10 The Victims Rights’ Act 2002 imposes clear obligations on specified agencies to provide information and offer assistance to victims of offences. This measure demonstrates that Corrections is meeting its legislative requirements and providing victims with notification of events relating to those who offended against them.

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