P.03 Issuing property

These procedures are designed to ensure that prisoner property is correctly issued, upon prisoner arrival and in response to a prisoner’s application, and that it is correctly recorded both on IOMS and in hardcopy on the prisoner’s files. They include procedures for electrical items.

Issuing property criteria

  1. Unit staff must check prisoner’s property against IOMS [Property Register] when a prisoner is admitted to a unit.
  2. When a prisoner makes a request for additional property, the unit staff must ensure that the requested property and all the property the prisoner has in his / her possession (except for the television and stereo) does not exceed the volume of the standard plastic container (500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth) or the maximum number of items permitted.
  3. No stored authorised property item will be issued to the prisoner without an approved [P.01.Form.01 Request for property].

P.03.01 Issuing permitted items

  1. Only items contained on the [Rules on authorised property made under section 45A] may be issued to a prisoner on arrival. All other items must be removed from site or placed in storage with the general manager custodial's approval.
  2. The numbers of each item listed in the schedule is the maximum permitted per prisoner on site.
  3. The unit PCO may limit both the size and number of permitted items, and the size of a single item, if they believe that issuing these items will interfere with the effective management, security and good order of the prison and/or exceed the volume of the standard plastic container of 500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth.

P.03.02 Application for issuing authorised items

  1. The prisoner will be given the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] on request.
  2. The prisoner must provide a full and detailed description of the item(s) requested and forward the completed application to unit staff.
  3. Unit staff will check the application to ensure that all relevant details of the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] are correct, and sign the form confirming that it is accurate.
  4. Before forwarding the application to the unit PCO for approval, unit staff must check the prisoner's current approved property list to ensure that issuing the item will not cause the number of maximum permitted items to be exceeded or exceed the volume of the standard plastic container of 500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth.

P.03.03 General manager custodial considers application

  1. When the unit PCO considers the property request application they must consider the conditions set out in the [Rules on authorised property made under section 45A], in particular:
    1. if the cell already contains a similar item
    2. the number of items of property already contained in that cell
    3. if issuing the item(s) may interfere with the effective management, security and good order of the prison.
    4. if issuing the item(s) will exceed the volume of the standard plastic container of 500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth.
  2. If the unit PCO declines the request, they must inform the prisoner in person of the reasons why the application was declined.
  3. If the item is not listed in the Rules on authorised property made under section 45A, the unit PCO must refuse the request.
  4. If approved, the unit PCO signs the form and forwards it to the property officer.

P.03.04 Property office issues property items

  1. On receipt of the approved request for property application, the property officer must check the items described on the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] against the items listed in the IOMS [Property Register].
  2. Property officer updates the [Property Register] on IOMS.
  3. Property must not be released to the prisoner until:
    1. the prisoner has signed the amended register, and
    2. the prisoner has signed the [P.01.Form.03 Property liability acknowledgement]
    3. the prisoner has signed the [P.01.Form.04 Acknowledgement of responsibility for property] acknowledging that they:
      1. accept full responsibility for that property, and
      2. agree to comply with any specified conditions relating to the use of the property item.
  4. Unit staff issue property item(s) to the prisoner.
  5. The signed copies of the forms are retained on the prisoner's general file (section I). A copy is also placed on the Receiving Office prisoner file.
    1. signed [P.01.Form.03 Property liability acknowledgement]
    2. signed [P.01.Form. 04 Acknowledgement of responsibility for property]
    3. signed [P.01.Form.01 Request for property], and
    4. signed IOMS [Property Register].

P.03.05 Property office issues electrical property items

  1. The above procedures for issuing prisoner property apply to electrical items.
  2. An electrical item is defined as any item that needs to be plugged into a 240 volt power socket to function.
  3. All electrical items, especially radio's must comply with the specified conditions as stated on the schedules, if the item does not show the specifications, it is the responsibility of the prisoner to provide proof from the manufacturer.
    Watch Point

    For Radio issue:

    • The required manufacturer specifications must be readily available on the radio or in the correct radio model user manual.
    • Manufacturers who do not provide the required specification information on their products will not be considered for approval and issue.
  4. Electrical items that are not new, must have an electrical safety check completed by a suitably qualified person prior to it being issued.
  5. The technical and safety check is at the prisoner’s expense, unless directed otherwise by the general manager custodial.
  6. The unit staff must ensure that the prisoner has completed [F.05.Form.01 Prisoner request to expend funds (P119)] before the electrical safety check occurs.
    ConsiderationBrand new prisoner owned electrical items (unopened in box and or with proof of purchase), do not require an electrical safety check prior to it being issued.
  7. An item of electrical equipment must not be accepted unless the electrical item has the original manufacturer’s identification sticker or tag attached.
  8. All electrical items, prior to being issued, must have tamper proof label(s) applied to it. This includes items owned by the prison that are loaned to prisoners.
  9. Tamper proof label(s) must be placed onto the electrical item in such a manner that internal access cannot be achieved without breaching the tamper proof label*.
  10. When more than one label is used, each label applied must show the numbers of labels the item has e.g.: 1 of 2, 2 of 2. (See PS Bulletin Issue 11).
  11. Prison owned electrical items loaned to prisoners are to be recorded in a Prison Property Loan register, detailing the prisoner’s name, PRN, description of item, serial number, date of loan and date of return or removal, if warranted, as well as the tamper proof label serial number(s) and the number of labels attached to the item.
  12. The cost for electrical safety check and tamper label fitting for prison owned items will be met by the prison.
  13. Where there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a prisoner’s electrical item on issue contains an unauthorised item, the general manager custodial may order a technical search and authorise payment for it.

*Note: Should any electrical property be received from another institution with insufficient labels to minimise tampering, the receiving institution must apply more labels.

P.03.06 Transfer property between prisoners

  1. All requests by prisoners to transfer property to another prisoner must be approved by the requesting prisoner’s unit PCO.
  2. The unit PCO must ensure that the property will not result in the recipient prisoner’s property exceeding allowable volume, and that the property is being freely given (e.g. the prisoner is not being forced (by threat) to transfer their property.

P.03.07 Issuing authorised consumable property items

  1. Authorised consumable items are identified in the [Rules on authorised property made under section 45A]. Examples of “consumable” items include items:
    1. that are no longer fit for purposes e.g. socks with holes in them, or
    2. where the purpose is limited e.g. completed puzzle book.
  2. The prisoner will be given the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property on request].
  3. The prisoner must provide a full and detailed description of the item(s) requested and forward the completed application to unit staff.
  4. Unit staff will check the application to ensure that all relevant details of the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] are correct, and sign the form confirming that it is accurate.
  5. Before forwarding the application to the unit PCO for consideration, unit staff must:
    1. check the prisoner's current property does not exceed the permitted volume of the standard plastic container (500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth)
    2. check the number of items of property already contained in the cell and on the property register does not exceed the numbers allowed.
  6. No property will be accepted by the prison from a visitor without an approved [P.01.Form.01 Request for property].
  7. All property will be checked against the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property].
  8. All property will be thoroughly searched before being given to the prisoner.
  9. The prisoner will sign the [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] to show that he or she has accepted the property. [P.01.Form.01 Request for property] will then be placed on the prisoner’s file, under section I.