F.01 Minimum entitlements

Except in certain circumstances, all prisoners receive all minimum entitlements.

Minimum entitlements criteria

These instructions relate to all prisoners.

F.01.01 Minimum entitlement provisions

  1. Every prisoner (other than a prisoner who is engaged in outdoor work) may, on a daily basis, take at least one hour of physical exercise. The exercise may be taken by the prisoner in the open air if the weather permits. This entitlement may be denied, for not more than 2 consecutive days at a time, if:
    1. the prisoner has been temporarily released, removed, or is attending court, and
    2. a PCO or other authorised delegate, has determined that it is impracticable to provide this entitlement during the time the prisoner is in the prison.
  2. The exercise entitlement, as with all minimum entitlements, may also be denied for a period that is reasonable in the circumstances if:
    1. there is an emergency in the prison
    2. the security of the prison is threatened
    3. the health or safety of any person is threatened.
  3. Prisoners must be provided with a separate bed and mattress, and sufficient bedding for warmth, health and reasonable comfort.
  4. Prisoners must be provided with:
    1. a sufficient quantity of wholesome food and drink that conforms to the food and nutritional guidelines (see [F.01.Res.01 Catering])
    2. as far as practical in the circumstances, food and drink that makes allowance for the various religious and cultural needs
    3. breakfast no more than 14 hours from the previous evening meal, unless food for supper has been provided with the evening meal
    4. at least three meals per day, one of which is hot
    5. drinking water at convenient locations throughout the prison.
  5. Every prisoner is entitled to receive at least one private visitor each week, approved through the visitor application process, for a minimum duration of 30 minutes.
  6. Prisoners have access to statutory and specified visitors.
  7. The legal adviser of a prisoner may visit the prisoner in the prison at any time agreed to by the general manager custodial if the purpose of the visit is to discuss the prisoner's legal affairs.
  8. Every prisoner is entitled to receive medical treatment, if reasonably necessary.
  9. A prisoner may send and receive as much mail as the prisoner wishes, except:
    1. where any direction of a no-contact condition applies, or
    2. where any restrictions on payment beyond three letters per week per prisoner applies.
  10. Every prisoner is entitled to make at least 1 outgoing telephone call of up to 5 minutes duration per week at his or her own expense.
  11. Every prisoner is entitled to exercise any right conferred on prisoners by regulations made under the [Corrections Act 2004] to communicate using any specified device or medium of communications.
  12. The Chief Executive must ensure that the information and education needs of prisoners are provided for at all times.

Note: At the discretion of the general manager custodial, individual units may organise and fund barbeques / boil-ups / hangi and any other culturally related meals.

F.01.02 Prisoners denied minimum entitlements

  1. A prisoner may be denied for a period of time that is reasonable in the circumstances, any of the minimum entitlements if there is an emergency in the prison or the security of the prison is threatened or if the health or safety of any person is threatened.
  2. On the recommendation of a medical officer a general manager cutodial may deny a prisoner subject to a segregation direction under [section 60(1) (b) of the Corrections Act 2004], access to the minimum entitlements in respect of clothing.
  3. A prisoner may be denied some minimum entitlements, including access to private visitors, outgoing phone calls, or access to information and education, if the prisoner is;
    1. undergoing a penalty of cell confinement (refer to [Corrections Act 2004, section 69 (4)]); or,
    2. segregated for purposes of security, good order, or safety; or for the purpose of protective custody (refer to [Corrections Act 2004, sections 58 and 59]) and the general manager custodial considers that the prisoner is likely to damage prison property.