F.14 Prisoner fundraising

Prisoner fundraising criteria

All prisoners are eligible to apply to the general manager custodial to raise funds for organisations.

F.14.01 Application for fundraising

  1. The prisoner must make a written request using the prisoner complaint process for an interview with the unit PCO.
  2. Prisoner’s File Notes is updated to show that a request has been received for a fundraising.
  3. At the prisoner complaints meeting the prisoner completes [section A of F.14.Form.01 Prisoner fundraising request]. The unit may assist the prisoner with completing section A if requested.
  4. The unit PCO will forward the form to the general manager custodial to consider.

F.14.02 Considerations for fundraising

  1. The general manager custodial when considering an application by a prisoner to fundraise must consider whether the proposed fundraising activity can be facilitated in the prison, and the impact on:
    1. the safety of any person
    2. the security of the prison
    3. the likelihood of re-offending by the prisoner.

F.14.03 General manager custodial declines application

  1. The general manager custodial endorses [section A1 of F.14.Form.01 Prisoner fundraising request] that they have declined the application.
  2. The general manager custodial must inform the prisoner in person that their application has been declined.
  3. Prisoner Files Notes is updated that the application was declined, and [Section A and A1 of the form] are placed on the prisoner’s file (Category E).

F.14.04 General manager custodial approves application

  1. The general manager custodial endorses [section A1 of F.14.Form.01 Prisoner fundraising request] that they have approved the application.
  2. The general manager custodial must inform the prisoner in person their application has been approved and that the contact will be made with the nominated organisation to ascertain if they will consent to the proposed fundraising.
  3. The general manager custodial must complete [section B of form] and forward the completed section with a blank [Section C of the form (Charity / organisation response)] to the nominated organisation.
  4. The general manager custodial must record on [Section A1 of the form] how the application was forwarded (post or fax).
  5. Upon receipt of the completed response for the nominated organisation, the general manager custodial must complete [section A1 of the form] with the decision of the nominated organisation.
  6. The general manager custodial must inform the prisoner in person of the organisation's response.
  7. If the nominated organisation disagrees with the prisoner(s) fundraising proposal, the Prisoner Files Notes is updated that the application was declined, and [section A and A1 of the form] are placed on the prisoner’s file (Category E).
  8. If the nominated organisation agrees to the fundraising, the general manager custodial must send (post or email) a copy of the completed forms to the deputy commissioner, Commissioner Custodial Services.
  9. The Prisoner Files Notes is updated that the application was declined, and completed [section A and A1 of the form] are placed on the prisoner’s file (Category E).
  10. The general manager custodial retains [sections B and C of the form] for future references. [Sections B and C of the form] are not to be placed on the prisoner's files under any circumstances.
  11. Prisoners who are approved to undertake fundraising activities are provided with copies of the prisoner fundraising letter to potential sponsors [F.13.Form.02 Prisoner fundraising letter to potential sponsor] by unit staff.
  12. The prisoner completes the boxes on the form marked with a *, including a clear outline of what type of sponsorship is requested from the potential sponsor.
  13. The prisoner must not include their name on this form.
  14. The prisoner returns the completed [F.13.Form.02 Prisoner fundraising letter to potential sponsor] and the unit PCO completes the “unit PCO name box”, ensures that the form does not include the prisoner’s name and hands back to the prisoner for posting.