F.09 Prisoner Wedding / Civil Union

These instructions indicate how the prisons are to accommodate marriages / civil unions, considering security and prisoners well being.

Criteria for prisoner to apply for wedding / civil union in prison

  1. A prisoner can make application to the general manager custodial for a wedding / civil union in a prison if:
    1. the prisoner provides written proof of their (and partner's) legal entitlement to marry or enter into a civil union ceremony
    2. the prisoner is mentally competent
    3. the intended spouse or civil union partner has verified, in writing, an intention to marry or enter into a civil union with the prisoner.

F.09.01 Application for wedding / civil union

  1. The prisoner must make a written request for a wedding or civil union service and seek an interview with the unit PCO.
  2. The PCO will ensure the Prisoner’s File Notes is updated, that a request has been received for a wedding / civil union service.
  3. At the meeting the names of all visitors, the marriage celebrant and any prisoners nominated by the prisoner must be provided to the unit PCO.
  4. The Kaitiaki, Kaiwhakamana, Fautua Pasefika, and/or chaplain, may provide a written statement supporting the prisoner’s application for a wedding / civil union ceremony.
  5. The unit PCO will complete [all relevant sections of the F.09.Form.01 Application for wedding, civil union service] including the names of nominated visitors.
  6. The unit PCO will check the nominated visitor’s status in IOMS, and record on the application form, next to the visitors names whether they are approved, not approved, or prohibited.
  7. The unit PCO will then forward the completed [F.09.Form.01 Application for wedding, civil union service] to the general manager custodial.

F.09.02 General manager custodial's consideration's / recommendation

  1. On receipt of the application the general manager custodial will consider:
    1. the submitted [F.09.Form.01 Application for wedding, civil union service] and any information supplied with the application
    2. whether all risks identified (to the safety, security and good order of the prison) have been mitigated
    3. if the marriage ceremony / civil union service can be managed as part of a temporary release if the prisoner is eligible,
  2. The general manager custodial will provide their recommendations on the [F.09.Form.01 Application for wedding, civil union service] and forward the completed application to the deputy commissioner for approval.

F.09.03 Deputy commissioner's decision

  1. On receipt of the application from the general manager custodial, the deputy commissioner will endorse the [F.09.Form.01 Application for wedding, civil union service] with their decision and return the form to the general manager custodial.

F.09.04 Deputy commissioner's decision - declines application

  1. If the deputy commissioner's decision is to decline the application, the general manager custodial must inform the prisoner in person that their application is declined.
  2. The prisoner must be informed that they can review this decision through the prisoner complaint process, or whānau / family by contacting the Inspector or Ombudsman.
  3. The general manager custodial forwards the application to the unit PCO, who arranges for the prisoner to undertake the POM [M.05 Prisoners at risk of self harm].
  4. The unit PCO updates the Prisoner's File Notes that the application was declined.

F.09.05 Deputy commissioner's decision - approves application

  1. The deputy commissioner endorses the application, with their decision approving the wedding / civil union service, and returns the application to the general manager custodial who will forward it to the unit PCO for processing.
  2. The unit PCO forwards the visitors application form to become an approved private visitor, to all non-approved visitors.
  3. Any wedding / civil union ceremony visitor, who is an ex-prisoner, will need to apply to the general manager custodial for approval to visit the prison at least fourteen days before the wedding / civil union ceremony. The approval must be presented at time of entry to the prison.
  4. Visits administration staff process with urgency the returned visitor applications, and forward the results to the unit PCO.
  5. The unit PCO provides the general manager custodial with revised visitor status, and identifies any who failed the security check.
  6. The general manager custodial may allow any private visitor that fails a security clearance for the express purpose of attending a wedding / civil union service if they do not present a risk to the site safety or security (general manager custodial may seek advice from National Office).
  7. The unit PCO confirms the date, time, and venue for the wedding / civil union service with the appropriate cultural adviser and the chaplain.
  8. The unit PCO advises the prisoner of the details of the wedding / civil union service.
  9. The unit PCO advises the approved private visitors of the details of the wedding / civil union by completing the [F.09.Form.02 Confirmation of nominated visitor attendance at wedding / civil union service], for each of the approved nominated private visitors attending.
  10. The unit PCO prepares an [F.09.Form.03 Operation order for wedding, civil union] and forwards to the general manager custodial for approval prior to the event date.
  11. The unit PCO arranges the refreshments for the wedding / civil union service.
  12. The unit PCO develops the staff roster for the wedding / civil union service.
  13. The unit PCO updates the Prisoner’s File Notes with the details of the wedding / civil union service.