M.03.08.08 Offender plans - work and programmes

  1. All prisons must take reasonable steps to ensure that mothers with children will have access to the full range of regime opportunities available. It is imperative in providing services for the mothers, that the requirement for participation in programmes to address offending behaviour and personal development is encouraged and is reflected in their offender plan.
  2. Mothers with children in Mothers with Babies Unit (MBU) or feeding and bonding facilities have reduced access to work opportunities because of their responsibilities to their child and this must be taken into account when establishing the prisoner's offender plan.
  3. A mother with a child may attend a workplace but must be able to maintain the supervision of her child whilst at work. The work place must identify and mitigate health and safety risks to the child.
  4. A mother’s primary responsibility is as a primary caregiver for her child. This must be taken into account when establishing the prisoner’s offender plan.
  5. A mother with a child may attend a programme but must be able to maintain the supervision of her child whilst at the programme or have made suitable, alternative care arrangements for her child / children.
  6. Approval to attend work or programmes with a child will be declined if the work / programme environment poses health and safety risks to the child.